Posts Tagged ‘Eternal Eclipse’

Saturn the Roman God of agriculture and harvest. Saturn is also the 6th planet from the Sun and equated with the Greek God Cronus.

Saturn was another piece that was conceived before we knew we were in the 2010 Toronto Fringe Festival. I wanted to do a piece with the idea of women being chattel.

Chattel defined by Wikipedia is:
Personal property, roughly speaking, is private property that is moveable.

The original name of the piece is Saddress Your Aches. I renamed it when it was time to put it in Eternal Eclipse. I just thought the movement and ideas behind this piece goes along with the story of Saturn and his daughters. Every rehearsal I would come into the studio with set counts of choreography to teach. Lots of  floor work! Thank goodness for my dancers – They are troopers through the bruised knees and late nights at that.  I had the choreography for a long time in my head (since before Christmas last year) and it was one of the last pieces I worked with the dancers on before the Fringe. It is funny how things work out sometimes.

See the piece here:

Eternal Eclipse

Now that the Fringe is over I have been going through some major withdrawal. Luckily, I have some video that I was able to put together in a little trailer for the show! Lots of news coming up soon, so stay tuned for more on what’s to come next. In the meantime check it out here….

Venus “the Morning Star or the Evening Star”
Goddess associated with love, beauty and fertility

I first choreographed a piece for The Bazaar -Latin Fever called Heartbeat in February earlier this year and it was a piece about relationships. About how sometimes we stay in a relationships that are not good for us. How we can blind ourselves to the reality of a situation and what is really going on around us.

Daniel, Ashley and I all collaborated on this quite extensively since this was my first duet and I was diving into a dance world that was unknown to me (the tango). Daniel and I met with Michelle Mitchell of Rhythm Dynamix Dance in Oshawa and then we went back to the studio in Toronto to create our first version of Heartbeat.

Later I adapted Heartbeat to become the Venus section of our first full length production Eternal Eclipse. I really wanted to put a twist on the idea of the goddess of love. So we went back into the studio and I wanted to make it a little more darker, to flush out some more of the ideas I had for the dance. The dancers worked fabulously on this and I am very happy with this piece reworked.

Here is the final piece:

Thank you to everyone who came out to our last show at the Fringe. Lots of thoughts and commentary to come on the whole experience. Artistic Director Kendra Hughes managed to get surprised by a twist ending.

You can see it here:

**New Interview**

Hear all about Eternal Eclipse, the dancers and the creative process in behind the work!

Ashley, Hilary and Kaylan

Photography by Ryan Joyce

Here are some shots that we took during our tech rehearsal on Monday for Eternal Eclipse. It was so wonderful to see all the pieces on a stage with lights and sound. What an experience. I am looking forward to our opening and hope to see you there!

The cast of Eternal Eclipse working things out while lighting is being set.

Cast members: Ashley Desson, Daniel Grys, Hilary Krull, Kaylan Shearer, Ashima Suri

Photography by Ryan Joyce

Artistic Director Kendra sitting at the board with stage manager Jennifer McKinley setting lights for the dance pieces.

Photography by Ryan Joyce

A View From The Inside

This article is written by Kinetic Elements’ member Ashima Suri.

I took a deep breath and worked my way into the studio for the audition.  I remember feeling intensely hot and I could feel my heartbeat faster.  And I hadn’t even started to dance yet!

It was July 2009 – a hot summer day and a moment I was waiting for.  The Kinetic Elements (KE) audition!  I remember seeing Choreographer of Kinetic Elements, Kendra Hughes, in pictures and videos on Facebook and thinking, I want to learn from her one day.  The week of the KE audition I took classes every day – doing whatever I could to mentally and physically prepare myself for the big day!

I’m not sure how I did on the day of the audition but I do remember leaving feeling great.  I was part of Kinetic Elements group! And little did I know at that time – that this was just the beginning of an amazing journey!

Fast forward to almost a year later and the journey has indeed been a surreal one.  I’ll be the first to admit that the journey wasn’t always a smooth one.  There were definitely some bumps along the way, but it is overcoming those bumps and moving forward that makes a person grow, develop and become stronger.

And now the big day is approaching! Kinetic Elements is performing at the 2010 Toronto Fringe Festival! About 6 months ago, as I stood outside waiting for a streetcar, I received a call from Kendra with the news that we will be in the Fringe! The excitement was contagious and for the rest of the evening I couldn’t stop smiling.

And today, I’m along side some of the most fantastic dancers and in awe of their strength as performers.  I’m learning from an amazing choreographer whom I have learned so much from this past year.  It has all been one big blessing and I’m eternally grateful.

And as I think back to where we started, I slowly begin to unravel the reality of where we are heading and I can’t help but to keep on smiling.  Smiling all the way to the Bathurst Theatre for the 2010 Fringe Festival with the Kinetic Elements crew.  July 2nd will be a great day! J

Kinetic Elements is happy to present our poster for the 2010 Toronto Fringe Festival!! It is now only 4 weeks  away tonight and we can’t wait to show you what we have been working on. Interviews, articles and more coming up so keep checking back for the details!

Design by Jordan Teichmann  :

Photography by Ryan Joyce:



Kinetic Elements is looking for volunteers

Kinetic Elements is a part of the 2010 Toronto Fringe Festival and we are looking for people to help us hit the streets and get the word out about Eternal Eclipse! We need people to hand out buttons, flyers and to help us get the posters out. If you are interested please contact Kendra here:

Rehearsals are fully under way for our production of Eternal Eclipse and we working hard, but we manage to have a little fun while we are at it 😉

Check out the video on youtube:

We hope to see you at the Fringe! Find out who is victorious…. Hilary or Kaylan!

Kendra Hughes

Artistic Director
Kinetic Elements
Tel: 1-905-630-8878

Kinetic Elements Presents:
Eternal Eclipse
As a part of the Toronto Fringe Festival.

Where: Bathurst Street Theatre
736 Bathurst Street, Toronto

Friday, July 2nd 5:15pm
Saturday, July 3rd 7:30pm
Tuesday, July 6th 9pm
Wednesday, July 7th 12pm
Thursday, July 8th 11pm
Saturday, July 10th 5:45pm
Sunday, July 11th 1:45pm

For tickets you can visit or call 416-966-1062.

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