Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Grys’

It is hard to pick just one favourite moment in my career, but I wanted to share with you one of the moments in the past year that ranks as one of the top 3 for me. This year that Kinetic Elements performed at FAT: Fashion Alternative week in Toronto. The atmosphere was incredible. The crowd was packed, the music was blaring – you could feel the vibration in your bones and I got to walk down the runway! It was an amazing experience!

Thank you to FAT for having us and a huge thank you to all the dancers that brought their wonderful talent to this event.


Kinetic Elements is pleased to announce their new production reSURGEnce for the 2011 Toronto Fringe Festival. We have been preparing and we cannot wait to show you what we having been working on! This is your chance to be a part of the experience!


For every $5 you donate to Kinetic Elements, your name will go into a draw to win ones of these great prizes:

-Kinetic Elements T-Shirt
-Two tickets to the opening performance of reSURGEnce
-One free 8 week dance session with Kinetic Elements

Donate here today! Draw will take place on July 7th!

Hope to see you there!!

Kendra Hughes
Artistic Director

Kinetic Elements Presents:


as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival


Where: Factory Mainspace Theatre

125 Bathurst St Toronto



Saturday July 9  @ 9:15pm

Sunday July 10   @ 1:15pm

Monday July 11  @ 8:30pm

Wednesday July 13  @ 3:30pm

Thursday July 14 @ 11:00pm

Friday July 15 @ 4:00pm

Saturday July 16 @ 2:15pm

Reviews of Eternal Eclipse
Presented as part of the 2010 Toronto Fringe Festival

*** – 3 Stars
Eye Weekly Reviews
“…even I can appreciate Kinetic Elements’ skill and artistry – including Kendra Hughes’ choreography, which contrasts jerk, robotic gestures with graceful, sweeping motions.”

Merge Zine added that we are refreshing.

Here is the first of many trailers of our production reSURGEnce presented this summer as a part of the 2011 Toronto Fringe Festival. Don’t miss it!

Kinetic Elements performed this year as part of the Take Two Program at Series 8:08. Here is a short excerpt of the second performance in November. Feel free to leave some of your feedback as well!


We are happy to announce that Kinetic Elements is going to be a part of Series 8:08 this Saturday night! It is a Choreographic Performance Workshop where YOU get to be right in the middle of the creative process. Choreographers and companies come to this Series to show a work in progress, then you as the audience get to write down your comments; good or bad and hand them in. Then the choreographer gets all the comments at the end – So you get to be a part of the process as well!

How cool is that? Plus, you will be the first among a few to see the latest works by some great choreographers and dancers. Amazing!

Where: Scotiabank Studio Theatre
Pia Bouman School
6 Noble St, Toronto

When: Saturday September 25

Cost: $10

You can also visit for more information on the shows, they also have classes and much more. Hope to see you there this Saturday!

Eternal Eclipse

Now that the Fringe is over I have been going through some major withdrawal. Luckily, I have some video that I was able to put together in a little trailer for the show! Lots of news coming up soon, so stay tuned for more on what’s to come next. In the meantime check it out here….

Venus “the Morning Star or the Evening Star”
Goddess associated with love, beauty and fertility

I first choreographed a piece for The Bazaar -Latin Fever called Heartbeat in February earlier this year and it was a piece about relationships. About how sometimes we stay in a relationships that are not good for us. How we can blind ourselves to the reality of a situation and what is really going on around us.

Daniel, Ashley and I all collaborated on this quite extensively since this was my first duet and I was diving into a dance world that was unknown to me (the tango). Daniel and I met with Michelle Mitchell of Rhythm Dynamix Dance in Oshawa and then we went back to the studio in Toronto to create our first version of Heartbeat.

Later I adapted Heartbeat to become the Venus section of our first full length production Eternal Eclipse. I really wanted to put a twist on the idea of the goddess of love. So we went back into the studio and I wanted to make it a little more darker, to flush out some more of the ideas I had for the dance. The dancers worked fabulously on this and I am very happy with this piece reworked.

Here is the final piece:

Ashley, Hilary and Kaylan

Photography by Ryan Joyce

Here are some shots that we took during our tech rehearsal on Monday for Eternal Eclipse. It was so wonderful to see all the pieces on a stage with lights and sound. What an experience. I am looking forward to our opening and hope to see you there!

The cast of Eternal Eclipse working things out while lighting is being set.

Cast members: Ashley Desson, Daniel Grys, Hilary Krull, Kaylan Shearer, Ashima Suri

Photography by Ryan Joyce

Artistic Director Kendra sitting at the board with stage manager Jennifer McKinley setting lights for the dance pieces.

Photography by Ryan Joyce

Kinetic Elements is happy to present our poster for the 2010 Toronto Fringe Festival!! It is now only 4 weeks  away tonight and we can’t wait to show you what we have been working on. Interviews, articles and more coming up so keep checking back for the details!

Design by Jordan Teichmann  :

Photography by Ryan Joyce:

Eternal Eclipse

ETERNAL ECLIPSE explores the stories of the gods and goddesses which inspired the names of the planets orbiting our solar system. Tales of forbidden love, scandal and irresistible power are expressed through the visual narrative of contemporary dance. The dancers create a universe full of exciting movement while recreating kingdoms of legend. Experience space with Kinetic Elements this summer!

Where: Bathurst Street Theatre – 736 Bathurst Street Toronto


Friday, July 2 @ 5:15pm
Saturday, July 3 @ 7:30pm
Tuesday, July 6 @ 9:00pm
Wednesday, July 7 @ 12:00pm
Thursday, July 8 @ 11:00pm
Saturday, July 10 @ 5:45pm
Sunday, July 11 @ 1:45pm

All tickets $10 at the door, or book in advance by calling the Fringe Hotline at 416.966.1062 or online at
Fringe Passes are also available after June 5, 2010, for more info visit
For show info please visit

Media Contact:
Kinetic Elements representative:, 905-630-8878 or
Fringe representative:,416.533.7710 X231