Posts Tagged ‘postaweek2011’

Every time I walk into a studio to take a dance class, or teach, or to rehearse. My senses are overwhelmed. Though I have little memory of my first dance class (ballet and I was 3), one of my strongest first memories of dance when I returned many years later was buying my first shoes. I was taking modern dance, so they were half-soles. They looked very different from what contemporary dancers wear today. They looked like this:

You can still purchase this style today!

I still can remember how they smelled and the feel of them on my feet when I would dance.

Tell us…..What is your first memory of dance?

It is hard to pick just one favourite moment in my career, but I wanted to share with you one of the moments in the past year that ranks as one of the top 3 for me. This year that Kinetic Elements performed at FAT: Fashion Alternative week in Toronto. The atmosphere was incredible. The crowd was packed, the music was blaring – you could feel the vibration in your bones and I got to walk down the runway! It was an amazing experience!

Thank you to FAT for having us and a huge thank you to all the dancers that brought their wonderful talent to this event.


Kinetic Elements is pleased to announce their new production reSURGEnce for the 2011 Toronto Fringe Festival. We have been preparing and we cannot wait to show you what we having been working on! This is your chance to be a part of the experience!


For every $5 you donate to Kinetic Elements, your name will go into a draw to win ones of these great prizes:

-Kinetic Elements T-Shirt
-Two tickets to the opening performance of reSURGEnce
-One free 8 week dance session with Kinetic Elements

Donate here today! Draw will take place on July 7th!

Hope to see you there!!

Kendra Hughes
Artistic Director

Kinetic Elements Presents:


as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival


Where: Factory Mainspace Theatre

125 Bathurst St Toronto



Saturday July 9  @ 9:15pm

Sunday July 10   @ 1:15pm

Monday July 11  @ 8:30pm

Wednesday July 13  @ 3:30pm

Thursday July 14 @ 11:00pm

Friday July 15 @ 4:00pm

Saturday July 16 @ 2:15pm

Reviews of Eternal Eclipse
Presented as part of the 2010 Toronto Fringe Festival

*** – 3 Stars
Eye Weekly Reviews
“…even I can appreciate Kinetic Elements’ skill and artistry – including Kendra Hughes’ choreography, which contrasts jerk, robotic gestures with graceful, sweeping motions.”

Merge Zine added that we are refreshing.

reSURGEnce is a collection of dances takes a look at society and examines the way that we view authority, power and beauty. Through contemporary dance Kinetic Elements deconstructs and transcends the boundaries of the labels put on us. Come join Kinetic Elements in their second year at the Toronto Fringe Festival.

Warning: Mature Themes

Factory Mainspace Theatre
125 Bathurst St, Toronto

Saturday July 9 @ 9:15pm

Sunday July 10 @ 1:15pm

Monday July 11 @ 8:30pm

Wednesday July 13 @ 3:30pm

Thursday July 14 @ 11:00pm

Friday July 15 @ 4:00pm

Saturday July 16 @ 2:15pm

All tickets $10 at the door, or book in advance by calling the Fringe Hotline at 416.966.1062 or online at

For show info please visit

Media Contact:
Kinetic Elements representative: Kendra Hughes;

Kinetic Elements had the amazing opportunity to perform at FAT in Toronto this year and we had a great time!

Here is one of the reviews of Kinetic Elements here:

If you missed our performance, there will be lots of chances to catch us this summer!


Gillian Moult had been dancing for 18 years, through elementary school, high school and now trains at York University. Though her involvement was mostly recreational as a child, through her teens she began training professionally to be accepted into York’s Dance program to achieve a Bachelor of Fine Arts in contemporary dance. Her rigorous training at school is going to afford her the privilege of performing at International Dance Day, F.A.T. Toronto Alternative Fashion, and the Toronto Fringe Festival this summer. Recently, she has had the honour of dancing with Kinetic Elements, and is looking forward to continuing this summer.


Who is your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspiration are my friends and family. I am so lucky to have people around me that support what I’m doing. It’s not every day that you get such a large support group. Their  encouragement inspires me and give me the confidence to keep doing what I love to do.

How did you get into dance?

I started dancing because my parents put in me in class. I was not the one begging to go into a studio at first. In fact I was extremely shy when I was young, but putting me into those classes was probably the best thing my parents could have done for me. Once I got on the stage I knew there was no other place for me.

Why do you keep dancing?

I keep on dancing partly for the excitement, partly for the opportunity to learn, but mostly for the opportunity to share. There is nothing I want more but to inspire others with my own art form. I think you can form such amazing connections in dance and I would not want to give that up.

What are your future aspirations?

I want to perform and teach all at the same time. I want to travel and see everything I can. At this point I can’t settle on doing one thing because I see so many options. I think I still have sometimes to figure out what I really want to do.

Check Gillian out this summer at the 2011 Toronto Fringe Festival!


Kinetic Elements - Kitchener's Snow Ball 2009

Nope, it’s the latest Kinetic Elements video!

Last year I filmed the dancers separately performing a piece I choreographed called Antevasin, as well some improvisation in between. I overlapped the video in the production phase to portray conflicting emotions within ourselves.

Artistic Director/Choreographer: Kendra Hughes
Dancers: Ashley Desson, Daniel Grys, Kaylan Shearer
Music: Quartet For Strings And Piano In A Minor by the Prazak Quartet
Video Edited by Kendra Hughes

I finally saw Black Swan last night! A big theme in the move was the main character wanting to be the “perfect” dancer. I think for anyone in the dance field,  that is a great question. What makes a dancer great? Is is technique? Is it expression? What do you think?

How do you define a great dancer?

We want to hear from you!

This week’s post is about YOUR idea of the perfect Sunday.

Sundays for me have always represented dance. Here is my idea of a perfect Sunday:

In the morning I would get up late and meet up with some of my closest friends for brunch. Following that I would go to rehearsal for Kinetic Elements and then teach classes to my students. After an afternoon of rehearsal and classes, I would drive with Adam and Parker to my mom’s house where we would have dinner with my family. Where we would have roast beef (not Adam of course) and strawberry shortcake for dessert! MMmMMMmmMMMmmMM

The End

What would your perfect Sunday look like?

This week I wanted to talk about inspiration. When you are creating something,  inspiration can come from anywhere. An image, a musical piece, a story, or an event that happens in life. For me a lot of my inspiration comes from the music that I listen to. I wanted to share today about one particular artist that has inspired me, Tori Amos. With her haunting melodies and amazing lyrics, I will always remember the first time I heard Tori Amos – it was on MuchMusic, the song was called Caught A Lite Sneeze and I became a huge fan.

You can watch the video here:

Let us know! What inspires you?